Laying of the first stone of the Passons Educational Center in Aubagne

It is with great pride that we participated, on January 21, in the laying of the first stone of the Pôle Éducatif des Passons, in the presence of Mr. Mayor Gerard Gazay, Jacques Del'Guidice, Inspector of National Education, and Emmanuel Dujardin, President of ROUGERIE+TANGRAM. This project...

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Actualités jour après jour

Pornichet, “the port of the future”

This morning on France Bleu Loire Océan's “Ici matin” program, Pornichet mayor Jean-Claude Pelleteur presented a €40 million project for a new marina to replace the aging old one. In partnership with architects Rougerie+Tangram, this project for the town of 12,000 inhabitants will improve...

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